Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Step Aside, you are just a buddy...

Step aside! You are just a buddy
You may want to be more than ‘just a friend,’ but sometimes you need to back off

You’ve managed to lure a hot lady into your personal breathing space. Does she want to get intimate? Or are you in a danger of being branded as her “friend?” Here are some telltale signs that indicate she’s not romantically interested in you.

Ill at ease
Where there’s no tension, there’s no romance. A woman who is trying to curry your favour will be intently interested in everything you say and do. In turn, this will lead to a certain amount of suspense. Her nerves will show themselves in her behaviour. So if she’s at ease around you, that’s not necessarily a good thing.

Where’s the laughter
A sense of humour usually tops a woman’s attraction wish list. The importance of making a woman laugh cannot be overstated. If she’s not laughing, the two of you are not getting anywhere; it’s as simple as that. If she really is interested romantically, she’ll laugh at your jokes, even if they aren’t funny.

Other women
When a single woman talks about your prospects with other females, she is shifting your attention away from herself and on to other hapless victims. If you’re at a party with your target and she leans in close only to ask,
“She’s cute isn’t she?” chances are
you’re in friend-land.

No submission
When you hang out with her, do you always find yourself at women’s clothing and shoe stores? When was the last time she watched a Star Wars movie or been to the car show with you? An interested woman will always seek out ways to please and at least cater to some of your manly interests.

She uses the F-word
No, not the good F-word. The word uses is much nastier: Friends! If a woman addresses you with the word “friend,” you are dead in the water!

Public space
If she isn’t interested in you, she certainly would not like it if anyone mistakenly thinks that she is. Accordingly, she will avoid being seen “coupled up” with you at classic date spots and not meet you in public. If she rejects all your invitations to the coffee shop, the bar, dinner and the movies, you’re most likely barking up the wrong tree.


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