Sunday, May 07, 2006

Astro Spirituality

Arians believe in the existence of God. They can be very devout believers. But their only problem can be that they want results very fast. They tend to lose patience quickly. An Arian needs to be more enduring and mature and they will achieve what they set out to achieve.

Taureans primarily think that God is the protector. He provides food, shelter and clothing for everyone. A Taurean always seeks peace and happiness for his family. They are good devotees and make good religious donations.

Geminis tend to be more philosophers rather than devotees. For them, questions like ‘Is there God?’ or ‘Who am I?’ can be life-long passions. They tend to be dual minded, indecisive and driven more by logic rather than love. They need to experience God in order to believe in him.

They are the born bhakts of the zodiac. Their sensitivity keeps them close to God. Worshipping Krishna or Meera can make them happy and blissful. But they should not make religion an escape route for their personal problems.

Leos have an innate sense of morals and justice due to the Sun ownership. They can make very good gurus and mystics. Worshipping the sun or Suryanarayan can be beneficial.

Virgos are generally sceptical about the existence of a super power. But if convinced, they can be one of the most dedicated and devout devotees and spiritualists. If their questions are answered, their belief gets stronger.

Librans love God naturally. They feel that God resides in people and hence they try to please everybody. Their partner is their divine consort like Radha is for Krishna. They will be drawn towards Shiv and Shakti.

One of the most mystic and misunderstood signs of the zodiac, Scorpio has enormous spiritual potential. They are gifted with passion that can be transformed into love for God. A Scorpion can be a very good tantrik and magician because he understands the power of the female or Shakti.

Ruled by Jupiter, they are naturally drawn to religion, spirituality and God. They are firm believers of mantra japa and donations. Chants of ‘Om’ or the Gayatri Mantra can be very beneficial for them.

They have their own unique way of believing in God. They do not follow and do not listen to what others feel or say about God. Mostly, they tend to believe that good deeds bring you closer to God rather than elaborate pujas and ceremonies.

They have a unique and undefinable relationship with the Almighty. They tend to look for God in nature, in science and in the cosmos. They tend to believe in the old hermetic saying: As above, so below.

Pisceans have their eccentricities with regards to religion and spirituality. They tend to be very fastidious about their belief system and do not want to disturb it. But at heart, they are God-fearing and strongly believe in the law of karma.