Wednesday, June 07, 2006


+VES: Arians are naturally active and vibrant and tend to like such people too. You will have to increase your pace to be in step with them. Also, they like and appreciate frank and straightforward persons. So, with them you can be your true self. If you’re in love with an Arian, then you have to show your enthusiasm in all their activities.
–IVES: Do not tell the Arians that they are in the wrong. Any such statement may raise a storm in a teacup. Arians are very faithful and passionate lovers. Do not fan the smouldering fire within them by making them jealous. No flirtation or fooling around with others in their presence unless, of course, you wish to write your death-wish!

+VES: Stability and dependability characterise Taureans who like people who can blend and grow with them. If you have a Taurus partner, you should appreciate all things beautiful. For, Taureans have an inherent artistic sense. Enjoy everything luxurious that money can provide with them.
–IVES: Taureans do not lose their temper easily. But you must not push your luck too much. Being unreasonable or aggressive with them may get you into trouble. They can be suffocatingly possessive about you.

+VES: Members of this sign are highly intellectual. If you have a Gemini partner, you have to match your wits with him/her wits to keep the zing in the relationship. Geminis want to be mentally stimulated so you have to be good at conversing. The key is to be more communicative with them.
–IVES: Geminis like to do many things at the same time, so if unfortunately, you are the type who is looking for some stability in life, you may get disappointed. But do not hold them back, as they are restless and need a constant change in life.

+VES: Try to adapt yourself with the changing moods of a Cancerian, and understand their sensitivity. They are like the tides in the ocean, always fluctuating.
–IVES: Cancerians can get easily hurt. So do not play with their emotions and sentiments. They form emotional bonds with even inanimate things, so do not ask them to discard old caps or souvenirs. Do not contradict them, it would only lead to confusion.

+VES: If you have a Leo partner, respect him/her. It is the sign of a showman, so if your partner does everything in grand style, enjoy it. They fall easily for flattery and want to be the centre of attraction of all eyes.
–IVES: Never ever hurt the ego of a Leo. It is a sunny sign, so, Leos do not like people who are gloomy or depressed. Keep a sunny smile on your lips and let the lion kiss your worries away.

+VES: Virgos are very methodical and have a great sense of duty, but blind to their own faults. Take a keen interest in what they are doing and they will go out of their way to help you. Appreciate their mental powers rather than their physical ones.
–IVES: Do not push a Virgo into the limelight unless they do so on their own. They are shy and reserved by nature and do not like to be the cynosure of all eyes. Virgos have secrets that they would not like to bring out in the open.

+VES: Librans need peace and harmony in all their relationships. If you have a Libra for a partner, you can be sure to share beautiful and pleasurable moments together.
–IVES: A Libran is a kind and gentle soul but very argumentative. Hence, do not start an argument or discussion unless, of course, you are free and do not know how to pass your time. Have patience with them!

+VES: Scorpios are full of passion and the zest for life. They are loyal and never forget a kind deed done by you. Share their passion and intensity and life can be beautiful with them.
–IVES: Scorpios are also fiercely possessive and would like to possess your mind, body and soul. Do not let the seeds of jealousy grow in them because, then, you may have to suffer discontentment in life. Scorpios have explosive tempers, so be warned.

+VES: Sagittarians are basically happy-golucky. They bubble with excitement. And if you share the same interests and hobbies, life can be great fun together. Sagittarians are frank and straightforward, so if you want some truthful opinions about anything or anyone go to them.
–IVES: Sagittarians are fiercely independent and cannot tolerate restrictions. So, do not try to hold them back in life. Do not get irritated by the exaggeration they often indulge in.

+VES: Capricornians are strong and dependable. You can blindly put your money on them. They are practical and conservative in their outlook and they expect you to blend in their colour too. For them, social status is important.
–IVES: Do not expect a Capricornian mate to open his/her heart out to you. They are very secretive and reserved people. They are very thorough in all their affairs and hate any kind of sloppiness. They are also very tight-fisted.

+VES: Aquarius are friendly and fascinating people. They have an in-depth knowledge about various subjects and you can converse with them for hours without getting bored. They are capable of giving a lot of love. They will always welcome your ideas and actions about humanitarian causes. Once hooked, they will always be very faithful to you.
–IVES: Do not expect or plan a normal, simple and predictable life with an Aquarius partner. They can go into any direction without giving any advance notice. They are basically very restless and get bored easily. They can be detached and impersonal, which may seem strange to others.

+VES: Pisceans are sensitive and charming. If you are looking for someone who is understanding, then you have met the right person. You should appreciate their feelings too. Members of this sign have a keenly developed sixth sense and have great intuitive powers. Their hunches may usually be right on the mark. They are born dreamers and you can build palaces with your dream lover.
–IVES: Pisceans are dreamers and you should not expect them to have worldly ambitions. They are not materialistic in nature. It is not that they like living below the poverty line but they have no earnest desire to accumulate wealth. Be careful about their feelings, these fishes are capable of drowning you in their tears (and this applies even to the men born under this sign).


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