Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The seven circles of dating hell

How men can ensure their women don’t walk out on them

Ever wonder why after you have stuck with your woman through the tough times and put up with all the crazy things she does, she still leaves you. More and more men are losing their women, even though they give all of themselves to the relationship. Strangely enough this could be the very reason why the women are walking out. The following is a list of the 7 Deadly Sins of Dating, which you can avoid in order to ensure that your woman does not walk out on you.

1. Don’t come on strong
A woman knows when you are coming on strong, and chances are that she will either interpret it as desperation, or use it to manipulate you later on in the relationship. You don’t want to give her the impression that she is the best you can do. Let her know that you care about her and that she is special to you; just don’t start worshipping her right out of the gate.

2. Don’t become whipped
A woman needs a strong man that can take control of a situation. If you come across as an easily controlled mama’s boy, then she’ll probably never respect you. Make sure not to lose your identity. You are who you are and once she thinks that she can take that away, you will be reduced to a boy toy that she can shoot orders at whenever she likes.

3. Don’t lose control
Being the man, you should initially start out with the overall control of the relationship and do whatever it takes to maintain it. Once you lose control, chances are she will expect you to spend less and less time with your friends. But since your buddies are an outlet for anger generated by your relationship, you need to keep them around if you want to maintain a healthy life, not to mention your sanity.

4. Don’t lose confidence
If a woman does not have faith in your abilities as a man, then she will begin to lose the attraction that she once had for you. So make sure to hold your head up high at all times.

5. Don’t make sex boring
If your sex life becomes boring and predictable, the whole relationship will become boring. If she is always wondering what you are going to do to her next in bed, then she has no reason to fantasise about anyone else. Try surprising her by actually following through on some of her sexual fantasies.

6. Don’t become jealous
It’s one thing to want your woman all to yourself, it’s another to become madly jealous and loose rationality. If she had a couple of male friends before you began dating, then there is no real reason to get all worked up over it. What’s acceptable in your relationship is up to both of you, so don’t become too bossy or she will just use that as yet another reason to always be on your case.

7. Don’t talk too much
When she says that she wants to know everything you’re thinking, she is wrong. That might be what she thinks she wants, but learn to be discreet. When she asks if you were looking at another woman, deny it, or better yet, say, “What woman?” No matter what you do, maintain spontaneity and use common sense, and you should be okay. Women don’t want boring guys who don’t think before they act. And remember; you have to be ready to adapt these basic ideas to any given situation in a moment’s notice. If you begin to question how you should react in a certain plight, just try to figure out which one of the commandments is best suited to the situation and adapt it. If it doesn’t work, don’t worry; there are plenty of women out there, just make sure you find the one that is right for you.


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