Monday, January 30, 2006

Candle in the breeze...

- You met an incredible woman, and you really hit it off at the beginning. But the more time youspent with her, the less interested she became...but the MORE interested you became.

You could feelthe balance of power shifting, but there was nothing you could do about it. Eventually she just stopped seeing you, but she never explained why ina way that made any sense...

- You were seeing a woman for several months,maybe even a year or so. Everything seemed fine.But then one day she came to you and said, "Idon't know how I feel anymore, and I just need some time ALONE... some time to 'find myself''s not YOU, it's ME"... but, her time "alone"turned into her seeing some other guy that didn't treat her half as well as you did...

- You were in a serious long-term relationshipthat had lasted more than a couple of years, andyou were with the woman you thought you'd spend the rest of your life with. Sure, you had your problems, but you knew that you'd always workthrough whatever came up, and she would stick by your side forever. Out of nowhere, she started acting strange... she started to become more controlling and angry... no matter how hard youtried to make her feel better and do nice things,it only got worse. They she dropped the bomb that she didn't love you anymore, and she was leaving. Or maybe she cheated on you, then told you as her way of breaking up... ...of course, there are a million variations of these basic situations, but I'll bet you can identify with one of them. I can identify with ALL of them. In fact, I've been through each of them... some more than once.

And I'll tell you... I can remember the PAIN and the DESPERATION I felt each time. I mean, it SUCKED. I hated it. Probably the WORST part of it was the feelingof POWERLESSNESS that went along with each time. It's bad enough having the woman you like or love leave you... but to have to ALSO deal with the fact that you don't know how to change things,and there's NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT is justplain depressing. Again, if you've been there, nod silently withme...

Now let's talk about how to AVOID this kind ofthing in the future. THE PROBLEM ISN'T WHAT YOU THINK The first thing you must realize in this type of situation is that the problem you're dealing with isn't what you THINK it is. Most guys naturally assume that the woman is leaving them because he's not being "nice" enough,or he's not giving her what she wants, or he's notbeing a good boyfriend... etc.

Or they assume that this is just "one of those things that happens", that "feelings change" andthat there's really nothing he could have done anyway. Well, these ideas, and almost all the othersthat most guys think, are DEAD WRONG.

So STEP ONE is for you to realize that what you THINK you know is WRONG. Throw it out. Start over, and open your mind to a new way of seeing things. I'll share more on this later. YOU CAN'T SOLVE IT WITH MORE OF THE SAME Now I want to talk about what NOT to do. I know that this is going to sound pretty obvious, but if what you're doing isn't working in a particular situation, you need to STOP. Don't keep doing what's not working.

In other words, if the woman you love isbreaking up with you, and you've been being niceto her, doing whatever she wants, and telling herthat you'll do anything to make it better... ifonly she'll stay... then STOP. Stop doing that. Whatever it is you're doing that isn't working ISN'T WORKING. Duh. So stop it immediately.

More of the same is only going to get you more of what is happening.WHY ATTRACTION IS SO IMPORTANT One of the main reasons why I talk about and teach the concept of ATTRACTION is that when itcomes to these types of situations, the REAL underlying reason for them is usually that thewoman doesn't feel ATTRACTION anymore. When it all boils down, she just plain does not FEEL IT. Now, a woman will say and do all kinds ofthings OTHER than telling you that this is theproblem.

Women have all these ideas in their heads, like"I can't tell him how I REALLY feel because Idon't want to hurt his feelings" and "I can't tellhim what's going on because I don't want toemasculate him" and "It's just easier if I just goaway". Love it. But when you take away all of the B. S., andyou get right to the core of what's going on,you'll usually find that it all boils down toATTRACTION... or, more specifically, the LACK ofATTRACTION.

I'm going to say something that's pretty boldright now. Get ready. If you do not know how to make a woman feel theGUT LEVEL physical and emotional response called ATTRACTION, then you are going to be out ofcontrol in relationships, and you will very likelyhave women leave you for the rest of your life. There is no security when you don't "get it" inthe ATTRACTION department. And you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. Women KNOW that they have the upper hand withmost men. As a guy, you can FEEL IT when a woman "has youby the balls". And even if she's not evil or mean, a woman canstill crush you emotionally when she's in thispowerful position. Well, guess what?

YOU'RE THE ONE WHO GIVES HER THIS POWER. And if you choose, you can KEEP this power forYOURSELF.SOLVE THE PROBLEM BEFORE IT STARTS Now, the BEST way to deal with this particularproblem is to SOLVE it BEFORE it even starts. The absolute most important prevention methodis an understanding of female psychology andATTRACTION. Here are a few pointers to get you started:1)

Women are NEVER attracted to WUSSIES. Women don't feel ATTRACTION for weak men. Sure, if you chase a woman for long enough, andbuy her enough things, she may "fall" for you. Butin that case it's not because she feels ATTRACTIONfor you. OHHHHH NO. It's because she feelsAFFECTION for you, and she confuses it withATTRACTION. So if your Inner Wussy has been taking thewheel, EVICT IT! Bitch-slap the Wuss out ofyourself. Do it now.2) Don't be PREDICTABLE. Predictability is a mortal sin when it comes toattraction. If a woman can guess what you're going to do orsay, you're being predictable. If she CAN'T guess what you're going to do orsay, she'll always be wondering... Now, keep in mind that women are MUCH better atpredicting behavior than men. So if you're going to stop being predictable,then you're going to need to LEARN how. To begin with, PAUSE before you do and saythings. Think about what you'd normally do, thenDO SOMETHING ELSE. Throw in some crazy, off-the-wall stuff forgood measure. Predictable is BAD BAD BAD for business.3) Don't be BORING. Boring is the bastard child of Predictable. When you are SO predictable that NOTHING is newor different, then you are officially BORING. Boring is also the lack of adventure, passion,energy, humor, and ATTRACTION. Unfortunately, most men are REALLY, REALLY,REALLLLLLLLLLLLY boring. I mean like shoot-yourself boring. Like, if there was a "Boring Score" that tookinto account everything from food to clothing tointerests to conversation, most men would score a99.75 on a 100 scale. It's a bad situation. I used to be pretty damn boring myself, soboring, in fact, that I could probably becertified as an expert on the topic. So take it from me, BORING is BAD. I don't care WHAT you have to do to stop beingboring, but do it. A few quick ideas: Take up an interesting hobby. Think winecollecting, not comic book collecting. Mountain biking, not chemistry. Fashion, not X-Box. You feel me? Now, this is just a taste. More important than what you do and talk aboutis HOW you do it and talk about it. There is a way to communicate with women thatprevents you from being boring. I suggest that youpay attention to the things you're learning fromme so you "get it". IF THINGS GET BAD, BREAK UP FIRST Now I'm going to REALLY stick my neck out. This one is going to make the little baby hairsstand up on the backs of necks of women all overthe world... If you find yourself in one of these badsituations that I mentioned above, and you sensethat the woman in your life is about to leave,then BREAK UP WITH HER FIRST. DO IT. Don't hesitate. Cut the line. Hit the road. No matter what your emotions tell you to do,you have to end it FIRST. If you want to have ANY chance of having thingswork out in the LONG RUN, then you need to TAKECONTROL of the situation, and BREAK UP WITH HER. From this position, you will then be able tosee things more clearly, and she will be about 100times more likely to want to work things out withyou. If you REALLY want to increase your chances ofhaving things work out, then you should also startdating other women as well. But let's not talk too much about that, becauseI'm already in the danger zone here. If you take the time to think about it, you'llrealize that breaking up with her FIRST is thebest possible thing you can do. As you've heard me say quite a few times, it'simportant to give a woman the GIFT of MISSING YOU. Never is it more important than in one of THESEsituations. I know, this is a damn hard thing to do whenyou're in the heat of the moment... but if youdon't do it, you'll probably wind up with herleaving... and you feeling that lame POWERLESSfeeling that I described earlier. OK, so to wrap, let me talk about one morething... As I mentioned before, the REAL thing thatcauses women to LEAVE comes down to the man in herlife not understanding ATTRACTION and how to makeher FEEL IT for him. And, as I mentioned, no woman is EVER going toTELL this to you. Instead, she's just going to LEAVE. When I first started learning all of this stuffabout how to be successful with women and dating,I had NO IDEA that I would wind up solving themystery of why women LEAVE men. I was only looking for the answer to how to geta woman in the first place... I never even thoughtabout KEEPING one once I got her... But now I realize that this particular topicusually winds up being the most important one,because once you find that amazing woman, and getsomething good going, you certainly don't want toLOSE her. And when you find yourself in the situation,and you realize that the woman you have is aboutto leave... you would basically do ANYTHING tostop it. Of course, at that point it's usually TOO LATEto do anything... which sucks. So one of the most important things you can doRIGHT NOW in your life is to learn how and whywomen feel ATTRACTION for some men... and how tomake women feel it for you.


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