Monday, January 30, 2006


If you are in a relationship right now, or are thinking ofgoing into one, there are 3 very important tips you should know and questions you should ask yourself before you everget yourself into a relationship.

This could save you from alot of heartache and pain when you are involved in a love relationship.

(1) Your lover does not owe you your happiness, peace or joy. Happiness is a state of mind we choose to have. All of your happiness, and all of your suffering, are created by you and they do not come from outside of you, or from others. Before you go into any type of relationship, ask yourself these questions: "Do I really, really, really know how to walk away from disappointment and fear?
Will I be able to find the person that I am NOW even after I go into this relationship and begin a new way of life?"

In short, you should not be dependent on your partner on your emotional needs. You yourself are responsible for your own feelings and creating positive experiences for both your partner and you whenever you are together.

(2) Love your partner for who they are. No one in this world is perfect. One day you will find your partner doing certain things or saying certain things that will hurt you, disappoint you or anger you. Before you go into any type of relationship, you have to ask yourself: "Will I be able to love my partner for who they are. If I am unhappy or angry with something they have said or done, will I be able to recognize my unhappiness or anger as against their speech, actions and behavior, and NOT against their persons?"

(3) Will I be able to love myself as much as I love my partner? If you cannot love yourself, how are you going to give love to another? This is a mistake most people make when they go into a relationship. They become over-obsessive with what they can give to their partners and what they can do for their partners. To ensure a fulfilling relationship, you have to learn to take care of your own needs as well. A true partner or lover is one who will make sure that you do not become too dependent on them. You are responsible for your own feelings and your own emotional needs too. You are a beautiful being. So, take care of yourself, love yourself, treat yourself to all the good things in life too, and do the same to your partner. Very soon you will find true love always coming your way without any effort on your part!As always, if you are encountering problems in yourrelationship, try to dissolve all of your problems in love.And you'll be sure you are on your way to a peaceful andfulfilling relationship!

Next time, I'll share with you how you can gain an unfairadvantage over your rival and win over the one you love!May the light be with you!

Love and Bright Blessings,
Cucan Pemo.


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