Friday, February 24, 2006

Do men believe in platonic relationships?

Is a male-female friendship bound for a romantic end, no matter what? Just how close can you get without physical attraction?

We all remember the line from When Harry Met Sally where Harry said that men and women can never be friends because sex always gets in the way — and it turned out to be true for him. But away from the movies and in the real world, how much truth is there in what he said?

• Fancying your friend
Relationship counsellors are of the view that men and women can be friends, but warn them that they should be aware that at some stage one of them will wonder what it would be like to be physically intimate. This will be a passing thought which shouldn’t affect the friendship. And don’t deny it, girls! There’s nothing wrong with fancying your friend — in just a friendly way, of course.

• Flirty fun
One way you can acknowledge your feelings without having to rush into anything serious is simply to flirt with your friend — providing they’re flirty themselves. “But don’t flirt with someone who’s shy — he may be holding back feelings of desire for you and you’ll be leading him on and just confusing him. If he’s a great flirt, then you can both play the game and have some fun,” writes Peta Heskell, in her book Flirt Coach’s Secrets Of Attraction. If it’s fun you’re after — flirting will do the trick. “It’s a great way to flex your feminine muscle and feel wanted,” added Peta. If you’re honest and open about your intentions — making sure your mate doesn’t mistake your flirting for anything more. Make sure you understand each other’s boundaries and, if you think he might be crossing the line, remind him that you’re ‘just flirting’.

• Tread carefully
If it’s the girl who’s crossing the line, then watch out! If you flirt, use some “emotional intelligence” and adjust your flirtometer according to the situation and the man in question. The last thing you want to do is get yourself in an awkward situation with a good friend— or worse still, get an earful from his partner!

• Love tests
At the end of the day, there’s nothing wrong with flirting in moderation, and between some people it’s completely normal not to fancy each other — flirting doesn’t suit every relationship. But, if you’re hanging out with someone in the hope that one day they’ll see the light and realise you’re “the one,” the friendship will suffer.


More often than not, it’s the little things that come between a man and a woman in a relationship. So, while you are busy tackling the bigger issues like your looks, money, ex lovers, etc, it is the smaller issues like your day to day habits that actually harm the relationship with your guy. If you want to ensure the relationship you’re in maintains a clean bill of health, you need to kick the following annoying habits before they do permanent damage:

He likes squash, so you learn it too. He goes for action films, so you never mention your love of romantic films. If you’re trying to please your partner by trying to be someone you’re not, you’re setting yourself up for a fall. Eventually they will discover what you’re really like or you’ll resent having to live a lie. A relationship should be based on honesty or it doesn’t have a future. Breaking the habit: Give yourself credit. You’re compelling enough to attract someone by being yourself. In subtle ways like expressing your opinions or nominating what film you’d like to see, you can reveal your true personality. Rest assured he is in love with the real you.

If he’s playing a game on his PC, you park yourself next to him. If he leaves your side at a party, you spend the entire evening and the next frowning. Sound familiar? Then it’s time you reclaimed your life. Unless you maintain some individuality, your possessiveness could have him bailing out to escape. Breaking the habit: Put yourself on a strict ‘relationship diet’ where, like reducing kilojoules, you cut down on time together. At a dinner party, make an effort not to sit directly next to him. Give him breathing space and he’ll be the one making excuses to stick by your side.

Is your mental diary always crammed with proposed adjustments for your new lover, like changing his haircut, suggesting a low-carbohydrate diet for him to lose those extra kilos? Beware! Either your standards are so elevated you’re never satisfied with someone like him, or you initially romanticise fatal flaws — only to find later on they were really neon signs flashing “this is the wrong person for you”. Breaking the habit: Don’t let on that you’re overtly changing him. He is likely to feel annoyed and hurt that you don’t love him for himself. Use occasions like birthdays or festivals to start something new. If you abhor his new habit of smoking, express your anxieties and hopefully he’ll want to initiate change.

When he says there’s nothing he does with his mates that he couldn’t do with you, he’s lying. Women often make the fatal mistake of presuming they should be able to fulfill all of each other’s needs. But the fact is that there are some things we get from same-sex friendships that we can’t get from our lovers. Maintaining outside interests and friendships is crucial because it ensures both partners continue to grow, rather than suffocating their relationship through lack of new stimulus. Breaking the habit: Negotiate how often you both have partner-free evenings. Then plan something special to occupy that time. It will help you to value each other’s company more.

Do you expect your partner to read her mind and contextualise it as a measure of their love for you, wrongly assuming that their inability to do so means they don’t care? By clamming up, you’re not taking any responsibility of ensuring your own needs are being met. In a relationship that’s viable in the long term, each partner has to make a concerted effort to communicate — particularly when there are problems. Breaking the habit: Sulking is the most immature and ineffectual way to angle for attention. So when your partner asks what’s wrong, speak up. Better still, don’t wait for an invitation. As soon as possible after the event, sit them down and say: “You know, you really hurt me when you did that.” This will save both of you a lot of time and effort.

Is he too good to be true?

Starting a conversation with an attractive person can be a nerveracking experience. In fact, many people are so intimidated by them that they altogether avoid all the attractive people they don’t know. The solution to this problem is to overcome your “knee jerk” reaction and learn to approach them with confidence. Here are some tips to help you do it:

1. Ignore your excuses:
One of the best ways to move forward and start a conversation is to learn to ignore your own excuses: “He’ll never like me”; “She’ll think I’m desperate”. All these excuses come from the desire to stay in your “comfort zone”. As soon as you notice these excuses in your head, stop thinking, go over and start talking. You’ll be glad you did.

2. Screw up big time:
Are you a perfectionist? If so, work on restraining your need to get things just right. When you expect to have perfect interactions, you put too much pressure on yourself, which makes it harder to take action. Even if you mess up, be happy with yourself for taking the initiative.

3.Be courageous:
How would you define courage? Is it having no fear of doing “scary” stuff ? Actually, the correct definition of courage is “the ability to take action in spite of fear”. The next time you want to talk to someone but begin to feel nervous, see it as an opportunity to put behind your apprehensions at rest and channel your fear to make the conversation happen. Your self-confidence will definitely get an instant boost, and you might just meet someone great in this process.

4.Don’t pressurise yourself:
If you see someone you would like to meet, immediately considering them as a potential date creates pressure. Instead, look at the next person you meet as an opportunity to work on your “skills”. This helps you to be less attached to the outcome; in turn, making you more relaxed and more likely to start the conversation. Don’t forget: You also improve the chances of it turning out to be a fun experience for everyone.

5.Consider your emotions:
One reason you hesitate to start talking is because it feels uncomfortable to take the leap. But the fact is, it’s more uncomfortable not to. Because, if you don’t approach them, you’ll wish you had, and you’ll carry that regret with you for the rest of the day. Save yourself the agony and go talk.

6.Use fear:
Learn to make fear your friend. Next time you’re afraid to say something to someone, realise that fear is a sign that you need to start the interaction. Using fear as a guide allows you to stretch your comfort zone, become more confident and meet new people. Just get it done and you’ll feel great!

7.Make the move:
Do you want to know a simple yet effective trick to get unstuck? Stop trying to figure out what you’re going to say and just begin moving in their direction. On the way over, you’ll naturally notice something you can comment on and use that to start the conversation —no matter how simple it may be. The key is to say something to get the ball rolling and let things progress from there.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Bird Flu FAQ


1. What is Bird Flu?

Bird flu or avian influenza is an infectious disease of birds ranging from mild to severe form of illness. All birds are thought to be susceptible to bird flu, though some species are more resistant to infection than others. Some forms of bird flu can cause illness to humans.

2. What causes bird flu?

Bird flu is caused by different subtypes of influenza A virus affecting chickens, ducks and other birds Viruses which cause mild disease can mutate into viruses that can cause serious disease (highly pathogenic).

To date, all outbreaks of the highly pathogenic form have been caused by Influenza A /H5N1 virus, the only subtype that cause severe disease in humans.

3. How is bird flu transmitted in chickens and other birds?

* Direct contact with discharges from infected birds, especially feces and respiratory secretions
* Contaminated feed, water, cages equipment, vehicles and clothing
* Clinically normal waterfowl and sea birds my introduce the virus into flocks
* Eggs from infected hens can break and contaminate incubators

Birds that survive infection excrete virus for at least 10 days, orally and in feces. Highly pathogenic viruses can survive for long periods in tissue, water and the environment, especially when temperatures are low.

4. How do outbreaks of bird flu spread within the country?

1. Domestic birds can get the infection when they:

* roam freely
* share water supply with wild birds
* use a water supply that might be contaminated by infected droppings

2. Contaminated equipment, vehicles, feeds, cages, or clothing, especially shoes can carry the virus from farm to farm

3. Wet markets where live chickens and other birds are sold under crowded and sometimes unsanitary conditions

5. How is bird flu transmitted to humans?

Bird flu is transmitted to humans from direct or indirect contact with infected wild ducks and chickens through infected aerosols, discharges and surfaces.

A person handling or taking care infected chickens or came near or inside a poultry or market where there are sick chickens can inhale the particles from dried discharges or feces with the bird flu virus.

Discharges can get in contact with the nose or eyes of a person handling infected chickens.

There is no reported case of bird flu in humans after handling dressed chicken. Since the virus is easily inactivated by heat, one does not get bird flu from thoroughly cooked chicken meat.

There is no evidence of human-to- human transmission.

6. Why are we concerned with bird flu?

There are a number of reasons why we are concerned with bird flu:

* Bird flu or Avian influenza (AI) causes serious illness and death in humans
* Avian and human influenza viruses can recombine to form a totally new influenza A virus which is capable of spreading from person to person and from which the human population do not have protection
* AI causes severe epidemics and mass death of chickens affecting the poultry industry.

7. What are the signs and symptoms of bird flu in chickens?

Infection causes a wide spectrum of symptoms in birds, ranging from mild illness to a highly contagious and rapidly fatal disease resulting in severe epidemics.

* Decrease in activity
* Drastic decline in egg production
* Facial swelling with swollen and bluish-violet colored combs and wattles
* Hemorrhages on internal membrane surfaces
* Virus isolation needed for definitive diagnosis
* Gasping for breath
* Muscle
* Weakness/paralysis
* Diarrhea
* Sudden deaths (mortality that can reach 100%)

8. What are the signs and symptoms of bird flu in humans?

Bird flu is very similar to other influenza viruses. Initial symptoms are :

* Fever
* Muscle weakness and/or pain
* Sore throat and cough
* Sore eyes (conjunctivitis) is seen in some patients
* Causes of death and complications are:
* Severe viral pneumonia
* Respiratory distress syndrome
* Multi- organ failure

9. Since there are so many cases of influenza, pneumonia or any other respiratory illness, when does one suspect that the patient is a case of bird flu?

One suspects that a patient with influenza or pneumonia or any other respiratory illness is a case of bird flu avian influenza if the patient has had direct or indirect contact through handling or having taken care or getting near sick chickens or other birds.

A laboratory confirmation of the bird flu infection and epidemiologic link with unusual death or epidemics of chickens will support the diagnosis of bird flu.

10. What is the treatment of bird flu?

Treatment for H5N1 infection is essentially the same as for other influenza viruses. Antiviral drugs, some of which can be used for both treatment and prevention, are clinically effective against influenza A virus strains in otherwise healthy adults and children, but have some limitations. Some of these drugs are also expensive and supplies are limited.

11. Is there a vaccine against bird flu?

No. The vaccine currently available against the circulating strains in humans will not protect from the disease caused by H5N1. However, it is recommended for individuals who are potentially exposed to bird flu like poultry handlers, workers and breeders to prevent recombination of avian with the human influenza virus.

12. How do we prevent bird flu?

The ban on importation of live chickens and other poultry products from countries affected with bird flu is a critical step to prevent the entry of bird flu into the country.

For poultry caretakers and handlers of chickens and other birds:

* Avoid contact of poultry with wild birds, in particular waterfowl
* Control human traffic into poultries
* Practice proper hand washing and cleaning and disinfection procedures in poultries
* Report to authorities any unusual death or illness of chickens and other birds
* Report to authorities any illness among the workers in poultry farms

For the general public:

* Thoroughly wash hands with soap and water before and after handling chicken meat
* Clean kitchen surfaces and utensils before and after use
* Cook chicken well by seeing to it that the boiling temperature is reached
* Do not sell live chickens in the market while there is a threat of bird flu.
* Do not let chickens roam freely. Keep them in cages or pens.
* Do not place chickens, ducks and pigs together in one area, cage or pen.
* Do not catch, get near or keep in captivity wild birds.
* Report to authorities any unusual death or illness of chickens and other birds
* Report to authorities any case of respiratory illness with history of exposure to sick or dead chickens and other birds

13. What should Local Government Officials do?

* Monitor and apprehend smuggling activities and illegal trading of poultry like game fowl, breeders and wild birds coming from countries affected by bird flu.
* Pass and enforce local ordinances on the ff:

* prohibition of live chickens in the market while there is a threat of bird flu
* not allowing chickens to roam freely
* prohibition of placing chickens, ducks and pigs together in one area, cages or pens

* Provide correct information to the community.
* Advise public not to catch, get near or keep in captivity wild birds
* Coordinate with the local agricultural office for any unusual death or sickness of chicken and other fowl.
* Coordinate with the nearest health worker for any suspected case of bird flu.
* Coordinate with Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (DENR) on smuggling, trading or capture of wild birds by an individual.

14. Is it safe to travel to countries affected with bird flu?

Bird flu is not transmitted from one person to another. Individuals at risk are those are directly or indirectly exposed to sick chickens and other fowl. The government thereby advises travelers to countries affected with bird flu not to go to bird parks (aviaries), poultry farms or market where live poultry is sold.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Libra Woman

Source :

Physical Appearance

It is an Airy and movable sign. Libra girl's features are almost even and well balanced.They are pleasing, but not very noticeable, so it is easier to start with the dimples. They will usually have a dimple in the cheeks or one in the chin. Beautiful knees with dimples. Markedly pleasant expression on the face. Typically sweet and clear voice. Your body is full of curves, angles, curly hair, not necessarily fat.

Mental Tendencies
Librans are fond of dress, perfumes, art and music. Fertile imagination and correctintuition, brilliant intellect, forethought, admirable refinement, supreme indemnity and of pleasant nature. Imaginative or artist, hopeful, cheerful, humane, orderly, loving but changeful, fond of society and amusement and generally amorous. She is diplomat, argumentative, fond of lovely things and of materialistic nature.

You beautiful Libra damsels are very courteous, hospitable, quick in temper but soon be quietened.You are fond of beauty in all forms. Usually too smart, easily appeased, courageous to do any thing alone, pursue it alone and finish it alone in a grand way. Due to her charm many will many will join her. Happy, affectionate and kind. Impressionable, sexy, passionate and of commanding nature. You does not like solitaire, likes partnership in business and in every walk of life. You librans have such strong conjugal affection, that they do not consider anything also more important than pleasure. Fond of opposite sex, argue with clarity and foresight. You have warmth and charming manners, balanced judgement, all round. You are not dogmatic, opinions of others deserves as much respect as her own until the decision is made. Venus girls work both before and after marriage. She needs cash for luxurious things of life.

You will be popular through out life. Full of charms and manners. You enjoy the family life to the full and have everlasting friends as they are honest in love, courteous and generous. Without friends you damsels can not pass life. You are expert in love affairs but sincere. You will marry early in life, sometimes you can not have partner who can satisfy you. You do not seek divorce but adjust and in case of failure you can not then remain together for a moment. Limited number of children who are helpful in old age. Generally Librans generally do not have younger brothers, friends are useful, reliable and true to them.

Health and Diseases
You will enjoy good health generally but are prone to infectious diseases. Kidney, loins, spine, uterus, are the body parts where trouble can be expected.

Finance and Fortune
Blessed with wealth and good conveyance. Love for money. Since you excel others in matter of reasoning, logic, foresight and judgement, you make money through right investment by taking correct decisions. You are generous and liberal which pay you in solving your financial problems if any and not diplomat as many will think of you. Friends of yours will be more helpful being sincere to you than your won relations. Being extravagant, you must keep cheek on your spending.

Romance And Marriage
You are expert n love affairs, so you are most lovable for sex life. Sincere and affectionate with your charming manners, dress, perfumes, fashion etc. which attract the opposite sex. Your passions rise and die quickly. Being sexy and passionate you enjoy life more in the company of opposite sex. Fond of amusements, good and peaceful domestic life. You Librans marry early. You love high standard of living. Sometimes your partner can not satisfy you intellectually or through sex, but you adjust You can not be imposed upon in home or in any walk of life.

Ready to forgive and forget as you are amiable. In love you are sincere to the opposite sex, your habits of commanding sometimes are subsided and you become just like a lamb which is most creditable to you.

Ideal Match
You will not agree with Pisces, Capricorn and Cancer born people. Best suited are Leo, Gemini and Aquarius persons with their Ascendants.

Domestic Environments
Happy and harmonious domestic life is essence of Librans. Keep the house decorated, well furnished and quite charming like them. To love your home, family and children are your basic traits. You are not diplomat but wise to keep your outside life away from your home satisfying your friends who are everlasting and sincere to you without whom you can not live.

Traits to be Corrected
You should control your emotional nature, avoid spending much. Being social, sexy and passionate you may come into contact with influential people or associates who may not take undue advantage by going out of bound, so you are warned for emotional check. Be decisive, avoid copying others. You should learn to say 'NO' to the people, this is must as you are generous and liberal. You should forgive but never forget. Avoid arguments and bossing over others.

Lucky Days, Numbers And Colors
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturdays are lucky. Thursday is evil. Friday offers mixed results.

Lucky numbers are 1, 2, 4 and 7 where as 3, 5, 6 and 9 are inharmonious. 8 stands for investments and profit.

Lucky Colours are orange, White and Red. Avoid Green and Yellow.

The day of fast is Friday to mitigate or reduce evils in life.

Dating Secrets : For men

• How to date an Aries woman?
If you’re dating an Aries female, do not talk about old girlfriends! Aries females must be the only ‘one’. Be careful though, if this Aries female really likes you, she’ll chase you until she can propose to you. Aries females mean business and are not recommended for timid men!

• How to date a Taurus woman?
Taurus females prefer tender hugs and quiet candlelit dinners at home, prepared by you. She’ll return the love by cooking for you at her home. If you’re serious about her, let her know that it wouldn’t be complete without a woman’s touch. Taurus females are warm and loving (Unless you make her mad or jealous)! Taurus females are security-minded and will stick by you!

• How to date a Gemini woman?
Gemini females are full of surprises. She won’t embarrass you. You can find out what she really thinks of you by locating her journal, where all her secrets are kept. Gemini females are not tidy. There’s lots of time before an engagement ring is necessary. Gemini females have to fall in love with your brain first!

• How to date a Cancer woman?
Cancer females are very sensitive about everything near and dear to them. Never say bad things about her family members! They do possess humour. Pay attention to all her handmade quilts and home crafts. Cancer women are great homemakers. Let her know you like women with a ‘little meat’ on their bones. (They taste everything they cook...yummy!) If you’re marriage minded, don’t play games with Cancer women.

• How to date a Leo woman?
If you’re dating a Leo female, take her out for movies or concerts. She wants to be seen out with you. If men notice her, she will love that. If you don’t act a little jealous, she will try harder to make you so. She will marry you, but be prepared to take care of her sexually, financially, and emotionally. Leo females are a handful, and remember, she can always get another man. So, treat her right.

• How to date a Virgo woman?
If you’re dating a Virgo female, be on time when you arrive in your car to take her out for health food. Virgo females are shy and sometimes aloof. That does not mean they don’t like you. It takes several dates for them to decide if they want you. Virgo females can drop you for little things. Quality is important to them. Virgo females are usually career indeed, but they will marry.

• How to date a Libra woman?
Although, Libra women are the ultimate in fashion and femininity, they are big flirts. However, they really want to be married to one darling man, who will romance them eternally. Flirt back with her, she loves little games. You can fall in love anytime you want to with her. Your car isn’t as important, as how you treat her. She isn’t the type to cheat on you, unless you forget about romance.

• How to date a Scorpio woman?
If you’re dating a Scorpio female, be careful! Show up wearing black clothes that fit you well. Arrive in your black car with the dark tinted windows. She likes the dark places. So, take her to the bars. A casino would be great! A fatal mistake is to make Scorpio female angry. She has a passionate nature and can have more than one love interest. They are not usually domestic, nor want to be involved with parenthood.

• How to date a Sagittarius woman?
Sagittarius females love sports and travelling. They are fun to be around. You can win her heart with variety in your lovemaking. She isn’t the type to spend time in the kitchen or babysitting. When she falls for you, she will ask you to do things with her. Marriage is not on her mind. But she would marry you, if she felt you were compatible enough.

• How to date a Capricorn woman?
If you’re dating a Capricorn female, take her to dinner at the best restaurant in town. Arrive in a big car with flowers. Dress in your designer clothes, and be impeccable. Pinstripes and subtle scents arouse her. Capricorn females can be the boss in the marriage too. Be prepared to be hen-pecked, if you’re thinking marriage!

• How to date an Aquarius woman?
Take Aquarius females to an out of the way coffee house, featuring jazz. Feel free to discuss anything and everything. She is an intelligent listener and will have some bizarre insight of her own. When your Aquarius female commits to you, she will not necessarily be ready for marriage. That is just her way of saying she likes you. You must have like minds, or there will be no future.

• How to date a Pisces woman?
If you’re dating a Pisces female, take her to a psychic fair, art gallery, or out for cocktails. Don’t take her to the animal shelter, or you will have a new pet. You can wear anything you like, and you get to make all the decisions. Music is one of her favourites and dancing is a must. Pisces females don’t care if you’re good looking. Just have a heart. Yes, your Pisces woman will marry you. Pisces females have a hard time saying “No”!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Leo & Libra : Romantic Compatibility

Provided by

When Leo and Libra join together in a love match, theirs is an agreeable union. Being situated two signs apart in the Zodiac, Leo and Libra experience a deep understanding of the inner-workings of the other. When the Lion's unbounded energy mixes with Libra's natural sense of harmony, this is a romance of great balance. Leo and Libra are both outlandish versus reserved, direct versus peace loving. They can enjoy a very smooth relationship because each can appreciate and benefit from the positive attributes of the other.

Libra calms and soothes Leo's flamboyance. As a couple, Leo and Libra are well balanced. Libra lays on the charm and good manners, which tame Leo's direct and acerbic personality. But Leo is far more decisive than Libra. Leo can help their partners to make decisions more easily and act on them, and they can teach the art of spontaneity.

Leo is ruled by The Sun and Libra is ruled by the Planet Venus. The two Signs coming together form the basic foundation of relationships -- warmth and passion. The Sun and Venus go well together. The sun is a masculine energy and Venus a feminine, so this relationship strikes a balance between energies. Venus is about the beauty of romance, and The Sun is about invigorating life spreading warmth. This couple sustain one another for a long time.

Leo is a Fire Sign and Libra is an Air Sign. These two elements combined either fuel one another seemlessly or diminish one another's efforts. Libra can negotiate with the impetus and vigor of Leo, and both partners tend to take part in one another's projects. They have established a perfect balance and tick clockwork! When they are joined, anything is possible, but this couple must be mindful of one another's feelings and desires. Leo's action-oriented approach to may conflict with Libra's more passive, come-what-may outlook. Both Signs have a variety of interests, and Leo's need to get involved gives them great stories to share with the more reserved Libra.

Leo is a Fixed Sign and Libra is a Cardinal Sign. Leo's endurance outpaces the fleeting whims of Libra, the initiator. They have to work together to make their dreams come true. Leo will be the leader because of their strength and forceful nature. Libra will quietly take the reins from an intellectual and team-oriented perspective. Leo likes to give orders through personal authority while Libra charms others into doing things and is happy to placating Leo's giant ego. It's important for Leo to understand sacrifice. Libra, able to see both sides of the argument, can compromise easily, while Leo may be more put out over having to yield.

What's the best aspect of the Leo-Libra relationship? It's the harmony resulting from the union of Venus and The Sun. The balance between self and other represented by this relationship is a great learning experience for both partners. Each partner makes up for what the other is missing, so theirs is a highly compatible relationship.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Pout for the stars

Did you know your zodiac sign influences the kisser in you? Pucker up

Being magnetic, dominating and rather vibrant, romance doesn’t have much meaning to you without sex.
What kind of a kisser are you? Your kisses are quick and passionate fits of lustful pleasure.

Taureans put a premium on security, settling down after a swift, spasmodic fling.
What kind of a kisser are you? Your kisses linger; they are deliberate and heartfelt .

You’re at your best in casual flirtations, spreading happiness but also breaking hearts.
What kind of a kisser are you? Your kisses are interrupted by spasms of giggles, smiles and funny observations.

You have an instinctive almost psychic understanding of your partner’s feelings and moods.
What kind of a kisser are you? Your kisses are warm and tender, and you never want to let them go.

The average Leo has much glamour and is the ideal lover in all dimensions – emotional, physical and sexual.
What kind of a kisser are you? Your kisses are wild and uninhibited, biting and clawing.

Your attitude to love and marriage is traditional and conventional.
What kind of a kisser are you? Your kisses are so subtle and tidy, your lover only notices them once you’ve finished.

Your attitude to sex is warm and positive, even willing to innovate and experiment.
What kind of a kisser are you? You’re too busy worrying about your breath to really get into your kisses.

You are very demanding in your sex life, with much physical passion.
What kind of a kisser are you? You skip the kiss and get straight to whatever comes next for you.

As a lover you’re warm, open, charming and glamorous.
What kind of a kisser are you? Your kisses are surprising and spontaneous that leave the kissed wanting for more.

You’re always craving for security, emotional, financial and personal.
What kind of a kisser are you? Your kisses are intense moments of sublime relief from the stress of your day.

Your emotions are actually sensual and sexual.
What kind of a kisser are you? Your kisses are wet and messy.

As yours is a dual sign, one part of you seeks variety and while the other appreciates a secluded existence.
What kind of a kisser are you? Your kisses are amorous and long-lasting.

Dating Secrets !!

Falling in love is easy but maintaining a relationship is difficult. The key to successful dating lies in your zodiac. This week, check out how you should woo your man

How to date an Aries male?
If you’re dating an Aries male, let him know that you’ve never dated a man with such confidence and brains. If you’re out with him and you flirt with someone else, be prepared to call a cab to get home. Aries males do like skin and cleavage; therefore, you could win him back.

How to date a Taurus male?
If you’re dating a Taurus male, be prepared to watch lots of movies at his home. His dog will eventually accept the two of you being together. Taurus males will think you look great in forest green; however, they like nudity above all.Taurus males have the cuddly teddy bear approach to love. He will certainly have his arm around you, during the movies. He is the marrying kind.

How to date a Gemini male?
If you’re dating a Gemini male, you can expect him to make you wait on your first date. Gemini men are witty, fun, and can play, play, and play! If you want to catch this guy, don’t lean on him, don’t get pregnant, or talk marriage. Be a challenge, do your own thing and let your Gemini male chase you.

How to date a Cancer male?
Cancer man is extremely stable, and loves to eat. He loves chesty women! Tell him all your funny stories, he likes to laugh. It is okay to say you’re pro marriage and to openly discuss it with him. He’s there for you.

How to date a Leo male?
If you’re dating a Leo male, he will take you to the best places for dinner, shows, etc. He will splurge money on you, even if he doesn’t have so much to spend. Leo men can have temper tantrums, if things don’t go their way. Stand up to him. Be able to turn his roar into a purr. Don’t admit you colour your hair. Do sleep with your make-up on and dress sexy and feminine.

How to date a Virgo male?
If you’re dating a Virgo male, go slowly. They hate to make mistakes. He will take you out to nice clean respectable establishments, and go to the movies with you. He doesn’t go out dancing or rabble rousing with the guys. Virgo men can be workaholics, that way they can avoid “nooners”. Virgo males are not usually sexually promiscuous.

How to date a Libra male?
Libra men don’t like vulgarity in any form. Dress tastefully, and do use your flower scented perfume. He is fascinated with fantasy, including sexual fantasy. Don’t discuss your recent love life, or ex-husbands. He could care less about your children, or desire to have them. Don’t be argumentative. Libra males hate conflict.

How to date a Scorpio male?
If you’re dating a Scorpio male, make sure you love secrets! He loves for you to be sexy and downright sleazy works for him too. He can make love to you, and not be in love with you. His passion can fool women, don’t mistake it for love.

How to date a Sagittarius male?
If you’re dating a Sagittarius male, expect anything and everything. He isn’t very reliable about schedules, dates, or you. Not in the beginning anyway. He likes talkative women and feminine jokes. Sagittarius males only get married when they have to, and then they can’t seem to stay married.

How to date a Capricorn male?
If you’re dating a Capricorn male, plan on doing most of the talking. He will take you to places with class and ambience. Dress in style, but be sure you show some cleavage. He is insecure about his emotions and likes to keep them under control. Capricorn males make good husbands and bread winners.

How to date an Aquarius male?
If you’re dating an Aquarius male, consider yourself lucky to even get the first date. Aquarius males don’t date much. When Aquarius males fall in love, it is usually with someone who is intellectual, self-sufficient, and childless. Have a deep purpose or goal in life and he will be attracted to your dreams.

How to date a Pisces male?
Here’s somebody who appreciates good food, wine and a well-dressed woman. So, make sure that you look so swell that he can’t keep his eyes off you. If he appreciates your outfit, reply with a smile. Don’t be too coy and shy away like a lamb, be a seductress. Don’t be pretentious and over-the-top; be yourself and he’ll simply love you!


Following are Twelve Simple Secrets that you should know about her. When you're done reading them you'll have a better grip on what to do to make her smile a little brighter. (This is the entire excerpt from my book MEN MADE EASY, which teaches her how to please you.)

Secret #1
Romance is the key to sex
Romance is routine maintenance--yeah, like your car--to keep things running smoothly. Remember all those romantic things you did to win her in the first place? Keep doing them now and then. If you let her know often that you care, she stays open and responsive to your sexual overtures.

Romance is all the little things you do to let her know you care. Call her just to say hi. Buy her a gift "just because." (Remember, it isn't the cost of the gift, it's the thought.) And flowers, even the smallest bouquet, always work. How about mailing a card or leaving a note where she'll find it? Or planning a special outing, or arranging for a baby-sitter so you can take her to the movies? Anything that lets her know you've been thinking about her melts her heart. For her, romance and sex go hand-in-hand. If you want more sex, give her more romance.

Secret #2
For her, sex takes time
Okay, your romantic efforts have paid off and she's in the mood for sex. When asked what sex advice they'd give to men, women almost always say, "Tell them to SLOW DOWN!"

Think of sex as a slow, sensuous dance. Be gentle, seductive. (Rent the movie Don Juan deMarco and listen to how he talks about women and making love.) Explore her entire body. You both may be surprised what you find. Hold her like you never want to let her go. And give her lots of long, slow kisses. (Women often complain that men don't kiss enough.)

What you're doing is warming her up. You wouldn't take a Ferrari that's been sitting in your garage for a week, start it, and immediately run it up to 100 mph, would you? Well, think of her as a Ferrari.

Oh, and don't roll over and fall asleep immediately after sex. Women really hate this; they need to be held and they love a little pillow talk afterward, so stay awake for at least a few minutes. Then better yet, fall asleep holding her.

Secret #3
Talking is the way she connects with you

Women talk for the sheer pleasure of talking. It's how they connect to people. Because your woman has read this book she understands that a lot of what she talks about--all those little details--is boring to you. So, she's going to be more selective about what she says to you. But if you give her your full attention when she does talk to you, it becomes one of those romantic gestures. Got it?

And you know how she's always trying to get you to be "more intimate"? If you listen to her more, she'll think you are being more intimate. All you have to do is look at her and pay attention; she'll think she's died and gone to heaven. It's that important to her, and that simple.

Secret #4
She needs to hear you say you care

For her to really feel your love, you need to tell her in words. Of course, she wants to hear you say "I love you," but anything you say to let her know you care and appreciate her will earn you major points: "You're wonderful, do you know that?" "I'm so lucky to have you." "Do you know how much I love you?" Big points on that one. Whenever you say these things, look into her eyes and mean it. Remember this, you cannot tell her you love her too often. This definitely wins you points on the romance chart.

And, how often have you heard one of your buddies, who's gotten a divorce, say, "I never realized how much she did to make my life comfortable."

Secret #5
She needs to hear she's attractive

In today's culture, because of what they are taught as girls, and because of what they read in magazines and see on TV and in films, women get insecure about how they look and whether they're sexually appealing. So, tell her regularly--and let her know you mean it--that she's beautiful and sexy.

Compliment her on a new dress, the color she's wearing, or how her hair looks. Tell her she has soft skin, how much she turns you on, how pretty her breasts are. The more beautiful she feels, the sexier she'll feel. This should pay off big time in the bedroom.

Secret #6
Her feelings need to be honored
Her feelings are as important to her as your work (or maybe sports) is to you. That's why she likes to talk about them. She needs you to acknowledge what's going on for her when she's being emotional. Don't try to tell her that what she's feeling is "wrong" and don't try to fix the problem unless she asks you to. And never tell her "not to feel" her emotions. A sure-fire winner: ask her, "What are you feeling?" Then sit down and listen.

She understands that you get kind of uncomfortable when she's being emotional, but if you just let her express herself and listen with your full attention, she'll think you're the most sensitive man on the planet.

Secret #7
Making up is hard to do
When you fight with your partner, are you often surprised that it turned into a bigger event than it should have? If she's like most women, she tends to get going with her emotions and lets everything spill out. She doesn't mean a lot of what she says. Do your best to pay attention, let her vent, but don't let the words get to you. The best way to stop her in her tracks is to admit that you were being stubborn, insensitive, inconsiderate, and hurtful. The more conciliatory you are, the more she'll be stopped in her tracks. If you make the first move to make up and offer no resistance, she can't keep fighting with you. Someone has to take charge so it doesn't escalate, and because she's lost in her emotions, it's going to have to be you. Be willing to look at her complaint and see where you may have been insensitive to her needs.

If you both vow to never go to bed mad, you'll be a making love instead of war.

Secret #8
She likes to be pampered
Your woman naturally does for others. She appreciates the value of nurturing but all too often doesn't take the time to care for herself. You can score big time if once in a while you run a bubble bath for her, take her on a special trip or plan a romantic dinner, give her a gift certificate from her favorite shop or a trip to a day spa. Talk about getting a woman "in the mood." Wahoo!

Sure, she appreciates that you change the oil in her car, but it doesn't really tell her you love her, even though that may be what you mean. To pamper her just remember, personal luxuries.

Secret #9
She needs your respect
Throughout history, and in many cultures even today, women have been second-class citizens, looked down on as less able in every category. Only recently have we begun to consider women worthy of respect. To be the open, loving woman you want, she needs you to honor her as a person and appreciate her contributions as a capable person. Don't treat her as a child. Don't judge or criticize her. Don't ignore her or take her for granted. Don't be rude. Treat her like a lady at all times and she'll treat you with the respect that you expect and enjoy.

Secret #10
She needs to feel secure
Your lady has a deep biological need to feel secure, to have a man provide for her and protect her. Financial security is obviously important, but even more than that, she needs to know you're there for her. That's one of the reasons she needs to hear you say "I love you."

What really helps is to give her ongoing affection and the reassurance of physical contact. If you do this every day, several times a day, you'll give her the security she needs. Hold her hand, put your arm around her, hug her, touch her in gentle and reassuring ways. The more secure she feels, the happier she'll be. When she's happy, she's open to you.

Secret #11
She needs your time and attention
Does she ever try to talk to you when you're reading the newspaper? Or walk in front of the TV in the middle of the play-offs? Does she complain that she never sees you, never has time to talk with you, or that you don't even know she's alive? If so, it's a plea for your attention. She knows how focused you can be when you're working, but she feels left out. It's part of that security thing.

What to do? Set aside time now and then to focus on her. Let her know she's important enough to devote yourself to her completely and she'll be less likely to feel ignored. The rewards will far outweigh the effort.

Secret #12
She wants a man who makes her feel like a woman
She chose you because of your masculine qualities. Qualities that make her feel more womanly. In your presence, she feels protected, provided for, and loved. Be masculine, but do it with sensuality and sensitivity. Be hungry for her, be passionate, be strong, but be tender, as if she were a delicate flower. And, yes, open the car door for her, carry heavy things for her, pull out her chair. The feminist movement did a lot of damage to romance but if your woman has been reading this book, she's not into feminism, she's into love and romance. That means you. Be chivalrous, be gallant, be thoughtful, and win her heart... over and over again.

Make her feel beautiful, make her feel desirable, make her feel special and important, and you'll make her feel like a woman, as only a man can do.

Yes, It's That Simple!

So there it is in a nutshell. Twelve Simple Secrets that could very well change your life forever. You can never know for sure what's going on with a woman, but you can certainly make everything a lot nicer for both of you, by following the advice you've just read.

Men complain that women nag, criticize, try to change them, are never satisfied, are too emotional and unpredictable. If you follow these Secrets and make them a habit, that irritating behavior should pretty much disappear. If it comes back, consider it a barometer of how you're doing. Then get the Secrets out and read them again.

The way to be a great lover is to be a romantic lover. When you focus on romance, she'll respond to you like never before. And she'll feel like she's the luckiest woman alive.

This is the entire section for men that is in the back of my book. I teach women how to understand you like you've never been understood before. Read the Twelve Simple Secrets about you right here

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

That’s what she calls cheating

Men think it’s harmless to flirt a little.

But for women, it is much more than that. It is a breach of commitment

When it comes to cheating, men are king. We cheat at cards, we cheat on our taxes, and far too often, we cheat on our partners. Relationships have definitely become more open these days. Even a decade earlier, going out with a lady client for a formal talk over dinner wouldn’t go down well with the wife or girlfriend. But now she accepts a few things. Professional interaction has nothing to do with going for a date. Or men can always have a girl for a best friend. But there is still a thin line that divides cheating and being just friends. What men perceive as harmless flirting can tantamount to cheating by women.

Would you do it?
Men will immediately know what is acceptable conduct and what is not when they put their girls in their own shoes. Just ask yourself would you be able to accept it if your girlfriend or wife does the same thing? How would you feel if your girl was confiding in another guy about her sexual likes and dislikes? What about if she was dirty dancing in a nightclub with a guy? You might not consider this as cheating but women do. While men consider physical contact as the only means of cheating women feel otherwise.

Tell her everything
Sometimes women are willing to pardon a one-night stand than emotional attachment. She hates the idea of her man connecting with another woman on a emotional level, confiding in her and discussing his sexual likes and dislikes. So what if they haven’t even kissed but this emotional bonding is cheating.

Dancing closely
Dancing involves a lot of passion with women. It’s almost like foreplay. She gets aroused and thinks it’s part of the whole physical act. If you dance with another woman, brushing cheek to cheek, touching her body she will not forgive you for that. For her it’s an act of desire that you can only do with her and not with any other woman.

Flirting shamelessly
For most women stealing a glance at a man at a party or even getting into chat mode are just fine. But things do get a little serious when phone numbers are exchanged and there is an effort to keep in touch. Then you keep in touch without your girlfriend having an inkling, she will just hate it. On the contrary she would appreciate it if you keep her informed that you are keeping in touch. If you want to meet her, take your girl along. Being open about it is much better than keeping it under wraps. A girl and guy can always be friends.

Visiting strip joints
Visiting a strip joint is a man thing. Nowadays, women also have their share of fun with performance by male strippers. But while in a strip joint, touching is a strict no-no. She wouldn’t do it and she would hate it if you pay that extra buck to do it. She feels that if you have to pay that extra dough to just touch her then there is something really wrong in the relationship. Moreover if you really need a lap dance, ask your girl to do it. You don’t have to shell out those extra bucks!

Cyber sex
If you are getting on the net with other women and talking sex that’s perceived as a serious offence by women. According to a survey more than anything else 80 per cent women take it very seriously when men have sexual talk on the net. That’s something they can’t tolerate.

Any sort of physical contact
Anything for a touch, eh. There are some guys who would do anything just to get a little touchy feel with the gal who they feel is hot. On the other hand, his woman thinks it is ridiculous. Now come on guys. You don’t have to be told to behave in front of a hot chick, right?

Wo(e)man !

Hey man are you confident that the girl in your life has no problems with other women in your life? Don’t be surprised if she starts accusing you of going around with this ‘other’ woman. Will it come as a bolt from the blue? Well, honey, welcome to the other side of your docile woman.

She’s extremely jealous:
That is because women in general, are obsessively insecure. This is more the case when it comes to men. Why? Because females know exactly how others of their species operate. They know from experience how easy it is to seduce men with pouty lips and great legs. This is how your girlfriend got you, after all. A jealous woman will just assume that you’re lusting after other women, even when you’re not. She’ll spend enormous energy testing you. If you’re late coming home, it’s because you’re having an affair.

How to deal with it:
Jealous women can make your life miserable. So you have to take charge of the situation as soon as it rears its ugly head. Ask her if she finds certain guys attractive, and if she’s thinking of sleeping with them. Tell her not to push these same thoughts onto you. Another idea is to invite her to come along with you when you meet your buddies.

She’s moody :
Women are unpredictable. One minute they’re kissing you and telling you how happy they are, and the next they’re crying about some remark they remember you making a year ago. The female brain is driven by hormones — women think with their emotions. Maybe it all makes sense to them. But their irrational behaviour just leaves men frustrated, bewildered and annoyed.

How to deal with it:
While you certainly can’t change Mother Nature. It’s still fair to ask her to recognise and adjust her behaviour — she may not be aware of how irrational or unpleasant she becomes. Don’t provoke her by bringing up the fact that she forgot to pick up the groceries, for example. Let it pass and go for a walk. There’s nothing wrong with absenting yourself if she’s really experiencing emotional turmoil.

Say it just like it is!

Do you know what your woman wants to hear from you? Read on...

When it comes to making their women happy, most men are at a loss of ideas. However, this is not as hard as it may seem. As complicated as men may think women are (which truly is the case sometimes), it really is quite easy to keep her glowing and blissful. Sounds impossible? It is as simple as saying the right things at the right time. Here’s what women want to hear and how talking the talk can help you: 1 Enquire about her day This is a very basic rule of courtesy. After your partner returns from a hard day’s work at home or at the office, a little ‘hi how was your day’ from you can cheer her up immensely. Why it makes you look good: To her, it’s the thought that counts. Asking about her day shows that you’re receptive, interested and open to listening to her.

2.Tell her she’s sexy
You are obviously in a relationship with her because you find her attractive. This attraction need not always be physical and look as an innuendo to head towards the bedroom. When you tell her she is sexy, do so because you mean it, and not just on a physical level.

Why it makes you look good:
She will know that you still appreciate her as much you did on the first day you met her. This means she will lavish you with love and affection and that can never be a bad thing.

3. Appreciate her intellect
By acknowledging her intelligence, you’re communicating that you recognise her brains, as well as her form. This makes a woman feel good about all her assets. It’s a mark of respect from her man.

Why it makes you look good:
She’ll appreciate that you are capable of thinking above the waistline. Women love a cordial man, and there’s no better way for you to show off your gentlemanly qualities than to praise her wit.

4. Ask her opinion
Asking this question tells your lady that you’re genuinely concerned about her feelings.

Why it makes you look good:
It’s all about showing the compassionate side. Once she understands that you’re devoting attention to her, it will make all her feelings about you that much more intense.

5. Promise her commitment
This is a heavy one; it’s not many degrees away from proposing to her. So be prepared for the consequences if you utter any sentences that have the word marriage in them.

Why it makes you look good:
All women love to hear a formal expression of enduring commitment from their man.

6. Tell her she is your buddy
You’re telling her how you feel above and beyond a sexual context. It means you’ve placed value upon your friendship and want to do things with her that other men may not have had an interest in.

Why it makes you look good:
It rockets you to the top of the suitor list because you’ve openly declared the Fword: friendship.

7.You complete me
This tells her that she’s the only one for you. All women want to hear this line from their men. It says that you’ve accepted her completely and that she has become an essential, indispensable ingredient in your life.

Why it makes you look good:
This basically says that you need her in your life, and that you couldn’t live without her. Women fall head over heels for this kind of stuff. Now that you know how to make her blush and feel like the most special woman around, go and do it! Just think of how special she’ll want to make you feel later. But don’t use these lines just to cajole her. Mean what you say and treat her well. Your relationship will only get better.